Sunday Program

Dharma talks by Zen teachers are a traditional method of transmitting the heart and understanding of Buddha's Way. Public Dharma talks are offered every Sunday morning (with some exceptions) at 10:00 am, following Zazen instruction at 8:15 am and a period of silent sitting meditation, 9:30 – 10 am. Everyone is welcome to attend in-person at Green Gulch Farm, and these talks are also available via Zoom.

The Sunday morning program is open to all; prior registration is not required.


8:15 amZazen instruction (please meet outside on north side of Meditation hall (Zendo))
9:15Arrival time for zazen
9:30Zazen (sitting meditation)
10:00Dharma Talk: Hearing assistance available; see the GGF Calendar for upcoming talks and our Dharma talk archive
11:00Discussion with lecturer


General Information

Please note the appropriate clothing for the meditation hall: Skirts or pants are worn below the knee in length; shirts have sleeves covering the shoulders. Hats or other head coverings are traditionally not worn. Do not wear scented products or clothes laundered in scented products.

An assisted hearing system is available for Green Gulch Dharma talks. Please ask the ino for a receiver before lecture.

This program is offered without charge. Donations to San Francisco Zen Center are welcome.

Before attending, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.