Welcome to the San Francisco Zen Center's online library of dharma talks. The talks listed here were given at City Center, Green Gulch Farm, or Tassajara as part of a public dharma talk.
For more information, please send an email to: audio@sfzc.org. These talks are published under a Creative Commons license.
Dharma talks are also offered as a podcast on iTunes and an RSS feed and now on the new SFZC Dharma App.
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Suggested donation: $0 – $10 per talk
Title | Teacher | Date | Location |
Dogen’s Kitchen | Teah Strozer | 03/05/25 | City Center |
Renewed Space, Timeless Practice | Abbot Dōshin Mako Voelkel | 02/22/25 | City Center |
Mind, Memory and the Fire | Anshi Zachary Smith | 02/19/25 | City Center |
The Path of Priest Ordination | Abbot Tenzen David Zimmerman | 02/16/25 | Green Gulch Farm |
Online Zen Is Real Zen | Dōshin Dan Gudgel | 02/08/25 | City Center |
Real Kindness | Abbot Jiryu Rutschman-Byler | 02/02/25 | Green Gulch Farm |
Black History Month | Sozan Michael McCord | 02/01/25 | City Center |
Embracing Our Connectedness | Jisan Tova Green | 01/18/25 | City Center |
Rice and Big Ideas | Anshi Zachary Smith | 01/15/25 | City Center |
Way-Seeking Mind: Responding to the Cries of the World with Skillful Compassion | Keiryu Liên Shutt | 01/11/25 | City Center |
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