Dharma Talk Archive

Welcome to the San Francisco Zen Center's online library of dharma talks. The talks listed here were given at City Center, Green Gulch Farm, or Tassajara as part of a public dharma talk.

For more information, please send an email to: audio@sfzc.org. These talks are published under a Creative Commons license.

Dharma talks are also offered as a podcast on iTunes and an RSS feed and now on the new SFZC Dharma App.

SFZC Dharma App

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Suggested donation: $0 – $10 per talk


Dharma Talks

Title Teacher Date Location
Dogen’s Kitchen Teah Strozer 03/05/25 City Center
Renewed Space, Timeless Practice Abbot Dōshin Mako Voelkel 02/22/25 City Center
Mind, Memory and the Fire Anshi Zachary Smith 02/19/25 City Center
The Path of Priest Ordination Abbot Tenzen David Zimmerman 02/16/25 Green Gulch Farm
Online Zen Is Real Zen Dōshin Dan Gudgel 02/08/25 City Center
Real Kindness Abbot Jiryu Rutschman-Byler 02/02/25 Green Gulch Farm
Black History Month Sozan Michael McCord 02/01/25 City Center
Embracing Our Connectedness Jisan Tova Green 01/18/25 City Center
Rice and Big Ideas Anshi Zachary Smith 01/15/25 City Center
Way-Seeking Mind: Responding to the Cries of the World with Skillful Compassion Keiryu Liên Shutt 01/11/25 City Center