Come enjoy the changing seasons and the company of dedicated volunteers in caring for this beautiful watershed!
With Sukey Parmelee
The 2nd Sunday of most months
1 – 4 pm
Upcoming Watershed Work Party Days:
Complimentary lunch at 12:15 pm in the dining room.
Gather at the stop sign near the Wheelwright Center at 1 pm.
The second Sunday of each month from 1 to 4 pm is set aside for watershed volunteers to get together and work on projects such as pulling invasive exotics near our salmonid creek, working on and creating trails, planting during the rainy season, caring and watering plantings, and pruning. Participants experience the change of seasons, notice the little changes in the vegetation, and enjoy the sound of birds and the creek; they feel their muscles stretch and experience the touch and aroma of the soil. Tools are put away at 3:30 and participants enjoy each other’s company over tea and treats.
For more information on work party days and to be included in email work party announcements, please contact Sukey Parmelee at sukey.parmelee@sfzc.org.