City Center hosts a variety of ongoing drop-in study, discussion, and practice groups that meet regularly and welcome new participants. See the groups listed below for details about what is offered. And see the web Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups." Also see the Online Zendo page for discussion groups
Click on the group you are interested in for more information and links.
Meditation in Recovery
Mondays, 7:30 – 9 pm PT, Online and once a month onsite; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups"
This link provides Meditation in Recovery Program info for City Center and Hartford Street Zen Center.
Young Urban Zen
Tuesday evenings, 7:15 – 8:45 pm; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups"
Meets in the Buddha Hall, 300 Page Street
Trans Sangha
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 7:00 – 8:15 pm; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups"
Meets in the Art Lounge, 300 Page Street
Urban Gate Sangha (formerly Saturday Sangha)
Saturdays, 8:50 am – 12:30 pm and weekly times based on the participation of group members; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups."
Individuals in the group have the opportunity to learn a variety of doanryo jobs, to study together, and to develop and deepen practice by joining with a peer group of like-minded friends.
Queer Dharma
Saturdays, once a month, Online, 1 – 2:15 pm PT; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups"
The LGBTIQ Queer Dharma Group is an open group, and newcomers are welcome.
Thursday Drop-in Practice Session
Thursday, once a week, Online, 5:30 – 6:30 pm PT; see Calendar; choose Event Type "Practice Groups"
Join SFZC teachers for a welcoming weekly online session with meditation, Dharma reflection, and group discussion.