One Breath, One Brushstroke: Intuitive Painting Practice Retreat, GGF 5/28–5/31

Practice Center
Date / Time
May 28, 2025 / 4:00pm - May 31, 2025 / 1:00pm
Event Type
Workshops and Retreats

Wednesday, May 28, 4 pm–Saturday, May 31, 1 pm

In this intuitive painting retreat, the invitation is to be mindful as you paint—to paint for the experience, not for the end product. When we spontaneously create, we come back to the source at every moment. There is no need to plan, no need to know anything or to have a goal in mind. There is a simple structure of paint, paper, and a brush. It is about the process—the journey to be with whatever arises.

Can you just watch your brush—take one brush stroke at a time?

Something always happens. Paint goes onto the paper.

Just like in meditation, we get to witness our thoughts, our beliefs, and our personality structure. And then there are the moments when a color is chosen for no reason; maybe an unexpected image arises and we let it happen. We enter into a flow that touches deeper. Intuitive painting, when we trust its strangeness, can take us to the edge of knowing and into the mystery.

Fee Information
  • General: $300
  • Current SFZC Members: $255

San Francisco Zen Center is committed to making Zen practice and the Dharma accessible to all who seek it by offering both a General support fund and a dedicated BIPOC support fund. Please email for more information BEFORE signing up.

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