Judith Klain

Judith Klain first began meditating when she was a teenager and has been a spiritual devotee since.  She is a long time Diamond Heart practitioner through the Ridhwan School in Berkeley. She discovered Zen practice close to 20 years ago through the Zen and Recovery and LGBTQ sits and has attended multiple practice periods and intensives at Tassajara and Green Gulch Farm.

Judith worked for San Francisco City and County government for 30 years leading strategic planning and policy development initiatives in the areas of women’s and LGBTQ rights, economic equity, access to healthcare for the underserved and homelessness. She has served on the City’s Behavioral Health Board and oter local and international non profits focusing on economic equity. She is a certified Expressive Art practitioner and painter.

“Zen practice has provided a holding for me in times of deep life crisis. By serving on the Board I hope to be able to give back some of which this practice has given to me.”