Clara Burgio

Clara Burgio, choreographer and performer, was born in Palermo, Sicily. She began her research on the body through the language of drawing and painting, the history of art is a very important part for perceiving the strength of the image. She has studied classical dance since she was a child and is looking for a language like image in action, gestures that comes from feelings.

In 1999 she encountered Butoh dance theatre, and trained with Masaki Iwana, Ko Murobushi, Yoshito Ohno,Atsushi Takenouchi, Yumiko Yoshioka and many other great Butoh Masters, until graduating from the International Butoh Academy with Sayoko Onishi, combining academic recognition between Palermo and Japan with Master Yoshito Ohno.

She participates in prestigious festivals in Italy and abroad with her choreographies, finding space for her internal landscapes.

For years she has lived in Florence where she conducts workshops and artistic residencies, creating her two latest performances and choreographies such as Vespri (sensory and itinerant journey in relation with the earth and trees) and Corpo Gemmante (performance implemented in theaters and galleries and cultural associations) and urban dance: We dance the peripheries of the world (work that included kids from public schools, kids from the reception center, dancers and ordinary people who felt the need to welcome themselves, and therefore others). Art is understood as an intimate and collective ritual, taking it to natural, urban, cultural and suburban spaces, workshops and performances in neighborhoods in difficulty such as Vucciria and the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo.

Collaborations and artistic research nourish and are present in this latest residence at Zen Center in which she is dancing a solo on the theme of the mystery of being born.