Dhammadīpā, the founder of Dassanāya Buddhist Community, has been practicing Buddhism since 1987. She is a Dharma Transmitted Teacher in the Suzuki Roshi lineage of Soto Zen and was previously ordained in the Theravada tradition for 5 years. In addition to English, Dhammadīpā teaches in Spanish, an expression of her Latin heritage. She is an author whose work has appeared in the Buddhist publications “Lion’s Roar” and the “Buddhadharma” magazine. Dhammadīpā is the mother of a lovely adult daughter, and she enjoys sewing and watercolor painting.
Dhammadīpā, la fundadora de la Comunidad Budista Dassanāya, ha estado practicando el Budismo desde 1987. Es una Maestra con Transmisión del Dharma en el linaje de Soto Zen de Suzuki Roshi y anteriormente estuvo ordenada en la tradición Theravada durante 5 años. Es autora de trabajos que han aparecido en las publicaciones budistas "Lion’s Roar" y la revista "Buddhadharma". Dhammadīpā es madre de una encantadora hija adulta, y disfruta de coser y pintar acuarelas