Anne Roise has been a Zen practitioner since 1971 when she left Canada as a teenager to study with her first teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. She is currently the Director of Programs at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and completed the Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program through the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies. For over a decade, Anne taught mindfulness meditation through her life coaching practice, to parenting groups from low income communities, and to college students and faculty. Anne has worked as a senior administrator in state and local governments, a teacher, victim advocate, and family and youth counselor. She has facilitated group processes, including diversity and anti-racism trainings, in many settings including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and faith-based organizations and community groups. Anne also serves on the board of Mindful Schools. She has a graduate degree in City Planning from MIT and is a Certified Life Coach.