Andre (Andraes Elsen) lives with his partner in South Germany, practicing as a MD specializing in psychiatry, psychosomatic, and psychotherapy. He became familiar with zazen first in his early twenties through his practice of judo. Later, he started sitting by himself, and eventually found sitting groups and practice places in Germany. After coming across Shunryu Suzuki's Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, he took part in a practice period at SFZC's City Center in 1997 and became a student of Ryushin Paul Haller. He returned to City Center twice for sesshins, then stayed at Tassajara from 2002 to 2004 where he received jukai from Paul. He then returned to Germany, practicing a worldly life along with sitting practice at home and at various Zen Centers in Germany and Europe. He also became a MBSR/MBCT teacher. Once or twice a year he sat sesshin with Paul and his sangha in Belfast. For him serving as shuso in the upcoming Fall 2023 Practice Period at City Center feels like leaving and coming home at the same time, and he is looking forward to that practice a lot.