For Beginners at City Center

Everyone is welcome to practice at San Francisco Zen Center! Here are some ways to get started:


Zazen Meditation Instruction

Come to in-person zazen (meditation) Instruction, offered from 8:40–9:40 am. You will receive posture suggestions, have questions answered, and sit with a group of beginning practitioners. Please see the Calendar page or the Sitting Meditation and Sesshins page for upcoming dates.

You can also access the SFZC archive of recorded instruction sessions. It is suggested that you watch several sessions as each one offers a unique approach.

Saturday Morning Meditation

Following zazen instruction, stay for the public program which includes a period of zazen at 9:25 am, followed by a Dharma talk, Q&A with the speaker, and social time with tea and cookies. Zazen at 9:25 am, the Dharma talk, and Q&A are also offered on Saturdays in the Online Zendo.

Introduction to Zendo Forms

This introduction is offered on the same days as in-person zazen instruction, following the Dharma talk and Q&A, from 11:40 am–12:15 pm. Please see the Calendar page or the Sitting Meditation and Sesshins page for upcoming dates.

Sunday Beginners' Sittings

After attending zazen instruction or viewing the archived instructions, come to a monthly Sunday Beginners’ Sitting, which includes additional instructions in sitting and walking meditation, 20-minute meditation periods with a group of beginners, a short lecture with Q&A, and an opportunity for individual instruction.

Online Offerings

If you cannot attend in person at this time, SFZC also offers programs for beginners through the Online Zendo and SFZC Online pages, including:

Thursday Online Practice Session with SFZC Teachers on the first and third Thursday of each month, 5:30 – 6:30 pm PT.