Winter-Spring 2025 Practice Period at Tassajara, 1/7–4/2

Practice Center
Date / Time
Jan 7, 2025 / 12:00pm - Apr 2, 2025 / 12:00pm
Event Type
Practice Periods

The 113th Practice Period at Tassajara

Led by Senior dharma Teacher Eijun Linda Cutts

January 7 – April 2, 2024

Application due date is November 20*

Beginning in the dark of the winter months and opening into the flowering and reawakening of the spring mountain, we will immerse ourselves in the traditional monastic life of zazen, oryoki, forms and ceremonies, work, and taking care of ourselves and others through the practices of a Bodhisattva.

We will also have opportunities to engage in the traditional practice of learning the teachings by heart, reciting, and copying them.

For our study, we will explore Dōgen Zenji’s fascicle, Bodaisatta Shishobo: “Four Embracing Actions of the Bodhisattva.” These teachings—Giving, Loving Speech, Beneficial Action, and Identity-Action—have also been taught by the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in the Avatamsaka Flower Ornament Sutra as the practices of “undertaking compassion without delay.”

These practices flow from the reality of our everyday interconnected life and non-separation. In Suzuki Roshi’s Dharma talk on Bodaisatta Shishobo he says, “To help others is to help yourself, because there is no—if you think [it] over—there is no difference between you and others. Others is you and you are others. And you are part of all society. That is Bodhisattva spirit.”

Kitchen Practice Period Opportunity

Tassajara is offering a practice period to those who are interested and eligible to join the practice period kitchen crew. This is an opportunity to support and be supported by Tassajara’s monastic practice at no charge and without using earned practice period credits. Come nourish yourself and the sangha while deepening your practice through daily zazen, dharma offerings, and harmonizing with the Zen kitchen and crew.

  • Tassajara requests a commitment to the full three months of the practice period.
  • Please complete and submit the practice period application by November 20 (there is an option to choose "Kitchen Practice Period" on the first page of the application). Applying as soon as possible will help your chances of being accepted and assist Tassajara with planning.

To be considered for the full Winter-Spring 2025 practice period at Tassajara the following prerequisites must be fully met:

  • Completion of at least one two-month residential practice period at San Francisco Zen Center’s City Center or Green Gulch Farm. An exception may be made for those with comparable practice experience elsewhere; the applicant is asked to submit a letter of recommendation from their teacher
  • Commitment to participate in the full three months
  • Submitting a completed application before the deadline (November 20*)
  • Tuition paid in full before the start of the practice period, or use of a practice period credit earned before arrival and approved by the applications committee

*Applying as soon as possible helps Tassajara with the logistics of planning for the practice period; priority of acceptance will be given to those who apply early.

We encourage all students to be fully vaccinated against Covid. In addition, testing and masking protocols may take place during the first few days of the practice period. Please carefully review the Tassajara Health & Safety Protocols.


Based on our past experience, we expect that the seasonal rains will bring additional challenges to the monastery. These challenges include potential flooding as well as debris flow, slides, and erosion risks along the Tassajara road and throughout the valley. Due to these potential hazards, Tassajara practice period participants have been requested to sign a Waiver of Liability, which is included as a part of the online application form.

Important Practice Period Documents:

Fee Information

Practice Period Fees: $3,600 US (plus $30 application fee), which covers room, board and tuition. Payment in full is required BEFORE arrival at Tassajara unless another arrangement is made in advance with the director. A practice period credit (which includes room, board, and tuition) may be earned by participating in the Tassajara Work Practice Apprenticeship Program during the summer prior to the practice period.

The $30 application fee is required for applicants who are not currently in residence at SFZC, and must be paid at the same time the application is submitted. All applications and fees must be submitted electronically.

Application deadline is Thursday, November 20.

Practice Period Application