Join Central Abbot Tenzen David Zimmerman and the Tassajara residential community in this opportunity to immerse yourself in Zen practice during the summer at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. Each day of the Sangha Week will include morning and evening zazen, liturgical services, three-and-half hours of work practice, communal meals, and a daily group meeting for Dharma study and discussion. There will also be time each afternoon to rest, relax, and enjoy the natural beauty of Tassajara.
During our afternoon sessions, we’ll be exploring the inspiring teachings of the founder of Soto Zen, Dogen Zenji, in his essay entitled “Hachi Dainin Gaku,” or the “Eight Awakenings of Great Beings,” which is based on the Buddha’s final teaching before his death. Buddha and Dogen alike taught that every person is capable of greatness by practicing eight key qualities in their life, which are: 1) having few desires, 2) knowing how much is enough, 3) enjoying serenity, 4) making diligent effort, 5) not neglecting mindfulness, 6) practicing meditation, 7) cultivating wisdom, and 8) not engaging in hollow discussions. By cultivating and manifesting these “awarenesses,” we can discover what it means to become a genuinely good person, living a more humane life.
All levels of practice experience are welcome.
- Sangha weeks are $125 per person per night for accommodations.
Before registering, please review the Health and Safety Guidelines.