Practices for Frightening Times, Online 5/10–6/7

Practice Center
Date / Time
May 10, 2025 / 2:30pm - Jun 7, 2025 / 4:00pm
Event Type
Classes & Extended Courses

The Zoom link to participate in this event will be provided at least 24 hours before it begins. Please call 415-354-0360 if you have any questions.

Five Saturdays,  2:30 – 4:00 pm PT

As the United States and the world careens wildly, our own hearts and minds are deeply affected. Fear, dread, anger, grief, and confusion can become our companions. And yet we know, as Dharma practitioners, that no matter the external circumstances, we are called to the Bodhisattva Way. In this interactive five-session class, Zenshin Florence Caplow offers practices to bring greater capacity and resilience in the rough seas of our times.

For those who miss a session and would like to review, all classes will be recorded. Registration is required no later than May 17 to receive the first session recording.

To get a sense of the depth and relevance of these teachings, we invite you to view a recent talk from Zenshin on this very subject, shared during a Buddhist election retreat: View the talk here.


All course sessions will be recorded, and registered participants will receive temporary access to the recordings for later viewing.

Fee Information

Register Online

Or call 415-354-0360.

About SFZC Public Programs, Fees, and Cancellations