Saturday One-Day Sitting, GGF 10/26

Practice Center
Date / Time
October 26, 2024 / 5:00am - 6:00pm
Event Type
Sitting Meditation & Sesshins

Saturday, 5 am–6 pm, includes breakfast and lunch.

Sample schedule

One-Day Sittings are open to those who have completed at least an Introductory Half-Day Sitting at Green Gulch, or have comparable background in formal Zen practice.

The One-Day Sittings include formal Meals in the Zendo for Breakfast and Lunch. Please bring your Oryoki bowls. If you do not have Oryoki Bowls we will provide you appropriate eating bowls & utensils.

If you have any questions regarding the schedule, guidelines, or your eligibility for the One-Day Sitting, please consult with the Head of the Meditation Hall (Ino) at before completing your registration.

Fee Information
  • General: $75
  • Current SFZC members: $68

San Francisco Zen Center is committed to making Zen practice and the Dharma accessible to all who seek it by offering both a General support fund and a dedicated BIPOC support fund. Please email for more information BEFORE signing up.

For additional discount options, or the possibility of sleeping in the zendo the night before, please contact Fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Before registering, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.

Please register by Tuesday, October 22.

Register Online

Or call 415-354-0360 for registration assistance.

About SFZC Public Programs, Fees, and Cancellations