January 2025 Intensive at Green Gulch Farm, GGF 1/7–1/28

Practice Center
Date / Time
Jan 7, 2025 / 3:00pm - Jan 28, 2025 / 11:00am
Event Type
Practice Periods

This three-week retreat offers an opportunity for experienced meditators to join the Green Gulch staff in a period of intensive residential practice. Our schedule will include morning, afternoon, and evening zazen; formal oryoki meals; work periods; Dharma talks; and group discussions. There will also be formal and informal meetings with teachers, and classes given by Tenshin Reb Anderson. Participants commit to not leave the Green Gulch watershed for the duration (except by arrangement or emergencies). The Intensive will conclude with a five-day sesshin.

Sample schedule and guidelines

Fee Information

Non-refundable application fee: $30. This fee can be paid when the online application is submitted.

  • Intensive fees*
    $1,550 – Shared Guest House Room (two twins or a king); GGF provides bedding and towels.
    $2000 – Single Guest House Room; GGF provides bedding and towels.

The availability of shared and Single Student housing will be determined closer to the start date and offered for $1300 (shared) and $1800 (single).

Please indicate any physical conditions that may require you to be housed in a single room.

Payment for the Intensive will be processed once your application is reviewed and accepted. If accepted to the Intensive, a $500 non-refundable deposit will be requested to reserve your spot by Dec 1, and the balance of the cost will be due on the arrival day of the Intensive. Please contact Sonja at rebassistant@sfzc.org with any questions.

Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card in US DOLLARS ONLY. Green Gulch cannot accept payment in foreign currencies.

Financial support for the Intensive fees may be available. Contact the Green Gulch Farm director (ggfdirector@sfzc.org) to inquire.

*The fees for the Green Gulch Farm January Intensive do not fully cover the cost of maintaining Green Gulch Farm during the month of January. Please consider making a donation to San Francisco Zen Center to support the Intensive and the precious training and teachings offered at Green Gulch Farm, Green Dragon Temple, now and in the future. Thank you.

Registration Information

Before applying, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.

Deadline for applications: November 7. Please contact Sonja at rebassistant@sfzc.org if you require early acceptance notification for travel.

January Intensive Application

For any cancellations, please inform Sonja at rebassistant@sfzc.org at your earliest convenience.