Zazenkai with Ryushin Paul Haller, CC 3/14

Practice Center
Date / Time
March 14, 2025 / 9:30am - 12:30pm
Event Type
Sitting Meditation & Sesshins

Friday morning in the zendo at City Center; please enter the building through the 300 Page Street main entrance during office hours

Zazen is the practice of sitting with awareness and experiencing whatever arises. Throughout the history of Zen, the practice of zazen has been considered the primary agent of awakening. As Dogen Zenji declared, before bowing, offering incense or chanting Buddha’s name, the practice of zazen reveals and expresses awakening. With this in mind, zazenkai is a period of time dedicated to zazen with minimal traditional formalities.

These sittings are suitable for both beginners and experienced sitters. There will be instruction in the details of posture, breath, and establishing the mental disposition of experiencing whatever arises. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about one's practice.

There will be scheduled periods of sitting and walking, with the option of continuing to sit through the walking meditation if desired.

Before attending, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.

Prior Instruction: Although general instruction for meditation is included in these events, it is recommended that participants attend public Zazen Meditation Instruction beforehand, which is available in-person on select Saturdays at 8:40 am at 300 Page Street or in the SFZC archive of recorded instruction sessions.

Fee Information

Fees: The suggested donation to cover costs is $10.

Note: $10 covers San Francisco Zen Center’s basic expenses in hosting the retreat, and for this offering in particular, we are relying on the additional generosity of the practitioners for support to continue this teaching and facilitate future zazenkais. There will be a donation box on site if you would like to donate, or you can donate through our website. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Registration Information

To Register: Pre-registration is not necessary.