Urban Gate Sangha, not meeting 3/29

Practice Center
Date / Time
March 29, 2025 / 8:40am - 12:30pm
Event Type
Practice Groups

Urban Gate will not meet today because of sesshin.

Weekly meeting: Saturdays, 8:40 am – 12:30 pm

Urban Gate Sangha is for anyone who joins the zazen schedule during the weekdays and/or on Saturday. Within the container of traditional forms, members of this group participate in doanryo training, temple care and kitchen practice, and study.

During the week, participation includes zazen with the invitation to join the doanryo. On Saturdays, the Urban Gate Sangha group bows in together in the courtyard at 8:50 am. The Saturday schedule typically ends at 12:30 pm, and includes zazen, a Dharma talk, tea and cookies, and study with a teacher.

Before attending, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.