Saturday 10:00 am Livestream Dharma Talk: Jisan Anna Thorn, Online/Onsite 12/3

Practice Center
Date / Time
December 3, 2022 / 10:00am - 11:00am
Event Type
Dharma Talks

Dharma talks by Zen teachers are a traditional method of transmitting the heart and understanding of Buddha's Way. Public Dharma talks are offered every Saturday morning and most Wednesday evenings. Everyone is welcome to attend. On the few occasions when a speaker will not be offering the talk in person, attendance onsite is welcome to join the viewing of the Zoom talk on a large screen.

For in-person, onsite attendance, please observe these Health & Safety Requirements:

- Participants must be vaccinated and have at least one booster shot.
- Participants must wear a KN95 or N95 mask at all times indoors.

- Participants are not allowed to attend:
    - if they have cold or flu symptoms
    - if they have been in close contact with anyone Covid positive in the last 14 days
    - if they tested positive for Covid within the last 10 days. To return to the temple after a positive Covid infection, it must be at least 10 days since testing positive and the visitor must have a negative antigen test.

NOTE: Preceding the Dharma talk, from 10 - 10:15, there is a 15-minute period of gathering and settling to allow everyone to sign in on time and be prepared for the talk to begin.

To join the Dharma Talk using Zoom:

Meeting URL
Meeting ID: 264-616-8381
Passcode: 805991

By phone:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number

Fee Information

San Francisco Zen Center welcomes donations. Thank you for your support.