Meditation in Recovery Daylong Retreat: Zen and Recovery and Joy, CC 9/15

Practice Center
Date / Time
September 15, 2024 / 9:00am - 5:00pm
Event Type
Practice Groups

In the Conference Center at 308 Page Street

In this daylong retreat, we will identify, share, and practice with the tools of Soto Zen and of 12-Step recovery in order to enhance our capacity for joy. It is understood that we live in challenging times. It is also understood that achieving and maintaining sobriety, mental wellness, and emotional balance are serious endeavors. While those challenges and hindrances are real, they do not have to be the organizing principles of our lives.

The Big Book says, “We are not a glum lot—if newcomers could see no joy or happiness in our existence, they would not want it.” Our Buddhist practice, also a very serious endeavor, invites us to experience and share joy. The Buddha said, “Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy.”

This daylong retreat will include sitting and walking meditation, joyful movement, creative and joy-based expression, improvisation, intentional breathing, and other healing techniques. These practices invite us to get in touch with our bodies as integral components of spiritual practice, recovery, and healing.

All bodies and minds are welcome, and activities are designed for safety and inclusivity. Please contact the instructor if you have ideas that might help to increase your safety, participation, or joy.

Bring a vegetarian bag lunch and a water bottle. No other supplies are necessary.

For further information contact Koshin Steven Tierney:

Fee Information
  • General $70
  • Current SFZC Members $63

San Francisco Zen Center is committed to making Zen practice and the Dharma accessible to all who seek it by offering both a General support fund and a dedicated BIPOC support fund. Please email for more information BEFORE signing up.

Register Online

Or call 415-354-0360.

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