In the Conference Center at 308 Page Street
Saturday, October 11, 1–4 pm
Every relationship includes conflict and change. However, many relationships hold conflict and change in spaces formed by habits and preconceptions, misplaced anger and fears. When held in such a way, conflicts blaze, destroy, or freeze, creating barriers to the living cultivation of intimacy.
In this practice weekend, we will study how Zen practice trains us to hold any barrier as a gateway to increased intimacy. How does our practice help us negotiate a way of being together founded on loving-kindness? How do loving-kindness practices help us build containers that adapt to change, transforming our times of conflict to times of curiosity, intimacy, and growth?
Participants are invited to enjoy tea and cookies, plus vegetarian lunch at Beginner’s Mind Temple.
Participants are invited to arrive early in the day and attend the Dharma Talk at 10:15am with the guiding teacher Shosan Victoria Austin. The Dharma talk is also live streamed so online participation is an option.
Please note we will host a separate online offering of the workshop on Sunday, October 12. Participants are welcome to register for either the onsite workshop, the online workshop, or both.
- General: $80
- Member (Become an SFZC Member): $74
Fee includes lunch.
San Francisco Zen Center is committed to making Zen practice and the Dharma accessible to all who seek it by offering both a General support fund and a dedicated BIPOC support fund. Please email for more information BEFORE signing up.
Before registering, please review the Health and Safety Requirements.
Or call 415-354-0360.